Regional Cooperation IC card "SUICA" service will be expanded!
Nine types of regional cooperation IC cards are now available.
JR East began offering regional cooperation IC cards on March 2021, "totra" in Tochigi prefecture, and "Iwate Green Pass" in Iwate prefecture. Then, they has already started this service.
Nine types of Regional Cooperation IC card are starting the service in 5 prefectures in Kanto and Tohoku regions during February - May 2022.
1. What is a regional cooperation IC card?
- IC Card can be used as a commuter pass for public transporation, and make payment at convenience store, shops and etc. It is 2 in 1 card that can be used in SUICA area and areas that are mutually used with Suica.
- SUICA is prepaid IC Card by JR East, can be used for JR East, subway and buses in SUICA area.
- You can use various Suica functions such as "Shinkansen e-ticket", "Touch to Go! Shinkansen", and "JRE POINT".
2. Regional cooperation IC card service will start from February to May 2022
* "Suica" is a registered trademark of East Japan Railway Company.
* "Totra" is a registered trademark of Kanto Motor Co., Ltd.
* "Iwate Green Pass" is a registered trademark of Iwate Prefectural Transportation Co., Ltd.
* "AOPASS" is a registered trademark of Aomori City.
* "Hachika" is a registered trademark of Hachinohe City and Northern Iwate Transportation Inc.
* "IGUCA" is a registered trademark of Northern Iwate Transportation Inc.
* "AkiCA" is a registered trademark of Akita Chuo Kotsu Co., Ltd.
* "Shuhoku Orange Pass" is a registered trademark of Shuhoku Bus Co., Ltd.
* "Cherica" is pending trademark registration at Yamako Bus Co., Ltd. and Shonai Kotsu Co., Ltd.
* "Nolbé" is a registered trademark of Gunma Prefecture Bus Business Cooperative Association.