How to Get from Tallinn, Estonia to Riga, Latvia

Apart from travelling by airplane between two countries, bus is an alternative option for costly transportation and it's convenient. Getting between Estonia and Latvia, there are 2 companies bus which are Lux Express and Ecolines. It takes 4 hours 25 minutes. For me, the duration is long and I was afraid that my parents would get bored so I splitted into 2 trips (Tallinn-Pärnu, Pärnu-Riga). In this case, I would provide detail only from Tallinn to Riga Only.

Lux Express is luxury bus and provides several domestic and international routes. I selected this one as the departure time and route satisfies my need.

Ecolines is another bus company which provides international routes. I have few information about this one so you may compare between these two bus companies and select the best one. More information about Ecolines, click here.

In this case, I will provide the information about service of Lux Express.

Getting on the bus at Tallinn Bus Station (Tallinna Bus). You can access by bus no. 2, tram or taxi. The bus timetable here (Reisisadam (A-terminal) - Mõigu). The taxi fare from Tallinn Port is 7-8 euro approximately. I called a taxi near Tallinn Port Terminal D and the fare was 6.55 euro so I gave a driver 7 euro. If you take the bus, get off at Bussijaam bus stop, 1-2 minutes walk.

Where to buy the ticket?

Online ticket purchasing is the most convenient and cheapest way. Please visit are able to get special discount for advance online ticket purchasing. The special price is limited for some period especially early bird ticket. If you are sure about your plan, you can buy the ticket prior 1-2 months before your departure time. The special price will be shown in red font.

Starting point: Tallinn Coach Station
Destination point: Riga Coach Station

Lux Express Timetable

Checking ticket price, just select the departure date and destination point. In case of missing the special discount ticket, the special price for seniors and children are still available. You probably compare the price and select the best one. Select the seat as you like.

Here is the discount for some group

Children up to 7 years     -80%
Children up to 16 years   -40%
People above 60 years   -10%
Youth up to 26 years       -10%

When finish the process of buying the ticket, check your email and print the confirmation booking, then show it to staff along with your passport. 

Tallinn Bus Station (Tallinna Bussijaam)

Tallinn Bus Station Layout Map
Ref: Tallinna Bussijaam Website

Lockers are available at Tallinn Bus Station. Toilets are also available, close to lockers but not free. 

Check the bus stop on your ticket and at the board in bus station. Please arrive the bus stop at least 15 minutes before departure time. The luggage is kept under the compartment. The staff will put the luggage tag number on your luggage and give you the number for getting the luggage back once you arrive destination.

When I took the bus for short trip (Tallinn - Pärnu), it's purple bus.

Taking this bus from Pärnu to Riga, it's the black bus.

The seat is comfortable. Free coffee & tea is available for the long route i.e. Tallinn - Riga. Plastic bag in front of you is for keeping your garbage. Fasten your seat belt.

The entertainment is at the front of your seat. You can play game, listen to music, watch the movie, check the route map. You must bring your own earphones. The staff does not provide it to you. 

Lux Express makes a short stop at Pärnu Coach Station before going to Riga, Latvia and can also require for drop off at Riga, Alfa center (Brivibas boulevard) and Riga, Radisson Blu Hotel (Elizabetes 55). The bus stops at Riga Bus Station. 

The Entertainment Between Pärnu - Riga

The Entertainment Between Tallinn - Pärnu

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